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Key elements of Standard 6

6a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field.


6b: Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood professional guidelines.


6c: Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice; using technology effectively with young children, with peers, and as a professional resource.


6d: Integrating knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on early education.


6e: Engaging in informed advocacy for young children and the early childhood profession.



Evidence and Artifacts

6a: Vision statement.











6b: Elevator speech











6c: The use of action research









6d: mixed methods research.









6e: Advocacy Summary Sheet









Reflective Connection

6a: I work with children diagnosed with developmental disabilities, providing them and their families with supportive, educational, and clinical services in order to build their skills and confidence towards independence.  Building relationships within the community towards a common goal of providing a larger future to children who inspire brilliance, is one of the many rewarding aspects of my daily practice.  My work calls me to advocate on behalf of children and families in vulnerable life circumstances, using my education to provide them with a louder voice.  I proudly identify myself as an early childhood educator and advocate daily.


6b: Ethical practice with respect to children is a daily conversation in my profession and daily practice, as issues of "harm" are a daily concern.  Children with developmental disabilities are prone to intensely escalated behaviors, and the treatment of those behaviors engenders passionate debates over best practice.  Self harm is a daily occurrence, both physical and psychological, and the actions of therapists like myself become the difference between success and failure for the future.  Often times, inaction can result in devastating consequences for children and families and I have struggled with both the inaction and incorrect action of colleagues, but have been more concerned when I run into disinterest towards engaging in conversation about the welfare of children.


6c:  Technology has the potential to build bridges over vast ravines, by creating expanded options for collaborative communication amongst busy professionals and families.  Engaging in collaborative learning and problem solving, involving parents and children as active participants in their own success is both exciting and challenging.  I have struggle at times with how to communicate the expertise a parent needs without them feeling threatened, and I haven't always been successful, as sometimes the treatment of a behavioral condition is so urgent, their isn't always time to build positive rapport with parents before having a challenging conversation.


6d:  I engage daily in research and conversation to improve the outcomes for the children and families I work with.  Incorporating varied perspectives is critical to maximizing the benefits of my service.  Over the last month I have been engaged in an action research project with a colleague, developing a new plan for therapy for one of our clients.  By engaging in a reflective, collaborative, and critical process of examining our practice, we have exponentially increased outcomes for a child who was in crisis, surpassing greatly anything we could have accomplished individually.  I am constantly searching for creative ways to expand my services to create truly dynamic learning opportunities in an industry handicapped by outdated, stale practices.


6e: Advocacy is at the very core of my daily practice and thought.  Providing voice to vulnerable populations is often unpopular, especially when the conversation extends beyond superficial niceties.  I never grow tired of lending my voice to those who are commonly silenced, and I am uplifted and empowered by the process, even though the stress involved in the process can be overwhelming at times.  Successful advocacy always justifies the struggles encountered along the path.



M.Ed Early Childhood Education

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